
BOOM! The sound of Jimmy getting shoved up against the old rusty blue lockers rumbled down the hall. “Fight back Jimmy fight back!” Zack screamed. A huge crowd gathered around Jimmy and Zack. Zack ripped jimmy’s new red Polo shirt. “If it was real it wouldn’t have ripped” Zack said. “Jimmy wears fake Polo!” Zack screamed out loud. Laughter filled the halls. “Jimmy is a wimp” said a voice from the crowd. “Jimmy shops at goodwill” says another voice from the crowd. Zack laughed as he continued punching him. Tears ran down Jimmy’s face. “I will see you the same time tomorrow cry baby” Zack laughed and walked away.
Bullying has been a problem for many years now but over time the generations has changed and so has bullying. It has become worse. There are many different types of bullying people do not know of. There is Physical, verbal and mental bullying. What do all these terms mean? Well let’s explain. Physical is contact with another human body. When Zack was shoving Jimmy up against the locker and punching him that was an Example of physical bullying. Verbal is words you say to another person including a threat. When Jimmy said “I will see you the same time tomorrow cry baby.” That was an example of verbal bullying. Another type of bullying is mental. Mental bullying is messing with other people’s brain and putting people down. When all the people in the crowd was shouting out things to jimmy like “Jimmy is a wimp” or “Jimmy shops at goodwill” that was an example of mental bullying. All of these Bullying’s are very serious and should not go unknown if you know someone who is getting bullied or if you are getting bullied go to a trusted adult or teachers so you can stop the bully.
It was an average dark school night. Sally was on Instagram when she saw she got a message request. The username was exposing.sallysummers. The message read “Hey sally I hope you like my new Instagram it’s inspired by you.” Sally quickly looked at the profile. Her secrets, her private information, her address. All of that was on the account. Sally freaked out, she then responded to the message by saying “This is not right, I am going to go to the office tomorrow to get you stopped.” The account then responded with “tell and you are dead.” Sally freaked out and broke down in tears. She did not know what to do.
There is another type of bullying you may have heard of. Cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is harassment behind a technology device. Cyberbullying is very dangerous because it can deal with different subjects. A type of cyberbullying would be harassment and commenting rude comments or sending rude or threating texts. Like when someone created the exposing sally account that would be considered cyberbullying. Another type of cyberbullying is making direct posts about a person or exposing the person in any shape or form. Saying or asking for inappropriate things is another example of cyberbullying. Be safe on the internet it will all come back one day.
Bullying is such an awful thing to go through. It doesn’t matter if its physical bullying or cyberbullying it is all bad. If you see or know anything about a friend or even someone you don’t really know report it! If we can all come together we could bring down the bullying percentage in the U.S. Your voice does matter the more we have people speaking up the more people will feel safe to go to school or even work. Bullying needs stopped and it needs stopped soon.

One thought on “Bullying

  1. Hi Aaliyah! This was a really good blog post! I loved how you included many examples in one scene of bullying. I felt as if it started out as more of a realistic fiction book rather than an article. It was a very good hook though! Hopefully you can visit me at reginap.edublogs.org!

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